Sunday, January 12, 2014

We are Back!

I am sorry...I am so lame at writing. Wow! Life has been going by so fast. The last time I blogged, Bristol wasn't even here!!! Wow! Wow! Wow! We have changed, our location has changed, we have grown together, we have been sad together. We can't believe how much our kids are growing.  A little about life now. In June of 2013, we sold our home in Ogden. We have talked about moving and getting out of our home for at least a year. We moved in with my Grandpa Walker after selling our home. Our home in West Valley was not quite ready yet. We quit the theatre in July. We forgot how much we love spending time with each other. We forgot what it was like to enjoy Saturdays and Sundays to ourselves, as well as holidays. I enjoyed being right next door to my family for four months. I also didn't know how hard it was going to be when we did move away from my family. Brighton loved being able to go to Grandma BenBen's everyday. Ben kept up with school very well during the summer as well as the fall semester even during two moves, he's a champ! I completely love that man! We enjoyed being able to spend time with Grandpa Walker. What a sweet time and great memories we made while living with him. We have learned that time is never enough.

Ben: Rocked his Summer and Fall semester of school at Weber State. I don't know how he does it? He seriously is my hero! I love that he is such a great man. I cannot believe that he graduates in the Spring. That tunnel we have been going through, has a light at the end :) I am more than positive that when he graduates he will go and get a part time night job. He cannot sit at home and do nothing at night. He is so much like his Dad in that way. It pretty much kills him in between semesters when he has to be home with us at night ;) Ben just got called to be the Young Men's Secretary in our ward.

Brighton: Our little boy is a Sunbeam! We can't believe it. He is growing up so quickly. He is all boy. He loves basketball, superheroes and his Dad. I am pretty sure his Dad is his favorite superhero. He is Ben's shadow. I hope they never lose the relationship that they have now. I absolutely adore their relationship. Brighton starts preschool in the fall. I cannot believe that I am even talking about this right now. He was just born yesterday!

Bristol: Our little girl is One! Even to this day I cannot believe that The Anderson gene created our sweet baby girl. We just love her. I could snuggle and love on her all day. She is my little side kick. Brighton and Ben have their thing and Bristol and I have our bond too. I love it! I won't lie. She loves her big brother and looks up to him...literally ;) She thinks that she can walk down the stairs just like her brother...that doesn't end so well. She loves to scale the couches or our coffee table. We are pretty sure she will be walking in a few months.

KoriAnn: I love to being a Stay at Home Mom. I honestly cannot ask for anything more. I have wanted this forever. I love seeing my kids grown and learn everyday. It really is the best! The kids and I get to go to playgroup every Tuesday. It is a good out for both the kids and I. I get adult time and the kids get playing time, what more can I ask for? I just got called to teach Valiant 9. I have taught only once so it is an adjustment, but I will get day.

We are adjusting to life in Salt Lake. I miss my family terribly but this is where we are suppose to be. We hope that once the summer comes we will get more stuff unpacked and organized. We will see how that goes. We are truly blessed and know that The Lord takes care of us every second of the day.
Lots of Love,
The Anderson's


Emily said...

Your family is so cute! I love the pictures. I can't believe how fast your kids are growing either. You guys have had a lot going on the past little bit!

Brandie Page said...

YAY you're back.

Halo BW said...

you're back!!!